Abonnement %2 n°34

Fibre Mood EN n° 34

Abonnement op Fibre Mood EN

Make it Yours / Create Share Inspire
Ik kies mijn aanbod
Abonnement 1 jaar 5 n° Papier 75€
Abonnement 1 jaar 5 n° + 5 x 5 patrons PDF Papier 145€
Abonnement 1 jaar 5 n° Papier
Prijs in de kiosk : € 84,60

Prijs België, incl. verzendkosten

Vanaf € 75,00
Your bimonthly serving of inspiration with 12 on-trend sewing and knitting patterns to make your own sustainable, personalised, and stylish clothing. Are your fingers itching to get started? Then you’re certain to find some inspiration in this hard copy of our mood book. In addition, you can browse around online in the wondrous world on fibremood.com. You’ll find clear instructions, extensive fabric advice, style and styling tips, fashion trends, an active community with even more inspiration and helping hands, a calendar with activities near you, an interactive shop locator map, and so much more. It all starts with this Fibre Mood Book, including sewing patterns. Your advantage: - FREE delivery to your home - You’ll receive your issue before it’s even hit the shelves.
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